Advantages to attending Elton Primary School and Nursery
Being a school-based Nursery has many advantages for your child not least:
· An education focus that is happy and directive preparing for “School Readiness” both socially and with lifelong learning.
· We facilitate a seamless transition into Reception reducing anxiety and promoting confidence for both children and parents when starting school.
· We have a qualified experienced teacher working in Nursery full time.
· Secure large outdoor play area including a substantial covered learning areas, mud kitchen, sand and water play, bikes and scooters, construction area, nature area and climbing zone for Nursery children only.
· Access to all school facilities such as large selection of musical instruments, two large halls with full use of gymnastics and sporting equipment, extensive outdoor areas, library, eco area, art equipment, computers and iPads.
Our staff are not only highly trained and experienced childcare professionals, but they are also qualified to deliver:
· Wellcomm Speech and language program
· Read Write Inc Phonics
· NCETM Numberblocks – a maths program
· Pathways to Write – a literacy program
· Dough Disco and Squiggle While You Wiggle – gross and fine motor skills programs
· Charanga musical program
Having a Special Education Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) on site ensures we can identify and be responsive in meeting the needs of children with SEND concerns. Support via the Local Authority ensures that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, make the best possible progress in our Nursery and School.
Ø Established links and policies with other professionals such as Health Visitors are in place.
Ø Our Emotional Literacy Support Teacher (ELSA) is on site and can offer help to children & their families during difficult times.
Ø We are Ofsted governed.
Ø Our school governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in school alongside our Headteacher.
Ø We are supported by the PTFA of Elton Primary School and Nursery who are a group of parents and staff who work together to run fundraising and social events to help buy additional resources and equipment for our Nursery.