Year 2 2024 - 2025
Miss Roberts
Ready, Respectful, Safe
Love learning, love life, always aiming high
To contact the Year 2 team, please email
Year 2 Staff:
Class Teacher: Miss Roberts
HLTA: Mrs. Robinson
Welcome to Year 2!
Welcome back after the holidays, we hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and are ready to continue learning- building upon all the knowledge and skills learnt in the first term.
We have carefully planned many exciting learning opportunities across the curriculum, to ensure that you grow and develop to your full potential. It is our aim that you love learning, love coming to school each day and feel confident in your environment to take chances in your learning and to achieve success- academically, socially and emotionally.
We are here to help and support you, your happiness is our priority and we will do everything in our power to always be there for you, not only the staff in Year 2 but also everyone else across the school. Please talk to us if you ever have any questions or worries, together there is nothing we can't work through.
Our topic this term is: What can we learn from the past?
Our Pathways to Write texts this term are:
The Dragon Machine by Helen Ward
Major Glad and Major Dizzy by Jan Oke
In Pathways to Read, we will be reading the text The Dragon Sitter by Josh Lacey and Owen and the Soldier by Lisa Thompson. These books link to both our English texts, and our wider curriculum lessons, and will help us to develop our understanding of the topic. We can't wait to share these exciting books with you.
In Maths we will be learning about shape, money and multiplication and division.
Our PE days are Mondays and Fridays. Friday sessions are led by our PE coaches, and Monday sessions by the Year 2 team. Children will need a named kit in school at all times. We sometimes have extra P.E. sessions or change our sessions around, so this is really important. We send home kit each half term to be washed. Please make sure children have a white top, black or white shorts and pumps or trainers.
Homework and Reading
Homework will be sent home on Fridays. Each week we will send home a Learning Log task and a piece of Maths. Homework is due back by Wednesday. Please read with your child as often as possible, every day if you can. Please write a comment in the yellow diary eg. Did they enjoy it? How well are they blending? Could they retell the story? Could they discuss the character’s behaviour? The more practice your child gets, the quicker your child will become fluent. Please keep the reading book and yellow reading diary in their book bag and send it in every day. Each week your child will be given a reading book that they should be able to read independently. They will also choose a ‘book for pleasure’ each week, these are books they really want to read but may not be able to independently i.e. chapter books, encyclopaedias, reference books, biographies etc. These books can be enjoyed together, even if you need to read it all. We want to make reading as pleasurable as possible.
We regularly update the school's Twitter feed with what our Year 2 class get up to. Please check out our tweets, follow us, and give us a like!
If you have any questions (however big or small) please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Miss Roberts and Mrs. Robinson
Things to remember at a glance:
PE kits (black or white shorts/white t-shirt/trainers or pumps/tracksuit for colder weather)-MONDAYS and FRIDAYS
Reading books and records—EVERY DAY
Water bottles—EVERY DAY