Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mr Grierson
Welcome to Year 6's class page!
Love Learning, Love Life, Always Aiming High
Mr Grierson Mrs West Mrs Hodgson
To contact Mr Grierson, please email
Welcome to Year 6 and your final year here at Elton Primary!
I hope that you have all had an enjoyable summer break - I look forward to hearing all about what you have done over the summer holidays. As you are aware, this is the start of your final year in Elton Primary, so I hope you are all feeling refreshed and recharged, and ready to work hard. We have many interesting topics to cover this year, and I'm really excited to get started on them with you. There will be a huge focus on developing, securing and applying skills you have learnt previously, especially in English and Maths, to ensure you can work to the best of your ability.
We will be supported by different adults in class this year. Mrs West will be our TA in class every morning and most afternoons. She will be assisting me, and will be giving help and guidance to those children in class who require additional support. Mrs Hodgson will also be teaching Music for the last hour on a Friday, every week this term.
Uniform and Water Bottles
Correct uniform should be worn at all times please. This is a school jumper/cardigan, or one in a similar colour, a white polo neck top, grey skirt, shorts or trousers and black shoes (not trainers). For PE, this is a white top, white or black shorts and trainers or pumps. Jogging bottoms or leggings can be brought in for colder weather, but please try to make sure they are black, navy or grey. Football strips are not to be worn for PE lessons. All children should have a water bottle in school with them, which should be taken home and cleaned daily. Please ensure all uniform and water bottles are named.
This term we will have two PE lessons a week, both delivered by Mr Wynne. One will be on a Monday morning and the other on Friday afternoon. You must have the correct PE kit in school for both of these days. I would recommend bringing it in at the start of the week, then taking it home to be washed on the Friday afternoon.
Homework, Spellings and Reading
Your Learning Log and maths homework will be given out on a Friday and are to be returned the following Wednesday. It is very important that you complete your homework, as it provides you with an extra opportuinty to practise skills we have covered in class and also identify any areas for development we may have. To help with times table proficiency, you might also be set a small activity to complete on TT Rocks. Occasionally, we may give out a piece of homework that lasts for a longer period of time, such as a mini-project, but you will be told about this at the time.
We are continuing to try and develop a love of reading this year. Reading books should be changed frequently and your reading record and reading book should be brought in everyday so that we can keep track of the books you are reading; a wide selection of books of all genres is available in the KS2 library. Reading records will be checked on a Monday and a Thursday and I expect to see that you have read at least three times a week- it is very important that you read as much as possible. Finally, spellings for the entire half-term will be glued into Learning Logs during the first week of term and I expect you to be practising these independently, week by week.
Our English books for this term, taught through Pathways to Write, are:
Autumn 1 = Star of Fear, Star of Hope by Jo Hoestlandt
Autumn 2 = Can we save the Tiger? by Martin Jenkins
Our reading books for this term, taught through Pathways to Read, are:
Autumn 1 = When we were Warriors by Emma Carroll
Autumn 2 = Into the Jungle by Katherine Rundell
Shared Novel
Our class novels for this term are:
Autumn 1 = An Eagle in the Snow by Michael Morpurgo
Autumn 2 = The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
If you wish to contact me, please use the email or see me at the end of the day.
Mr Grierson