Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mrs Higginson
Mrs McDonnell
Miss Gibson
Mrs Deakin
Love Learning, Love Life
Always Aiming High
Our School Rules: Ready, Respectful, Safe
To contact Mrs McDonnell or Mrs Higginson, please email:
Year 5 Staff:
Mrs McDonnell (Class Teacher) Miss Gibson (TA - mornings and one afternoon)
Mrs Higginson (Class Teacher) Mrs Hodgson (HLTA - class cover)
Spring Term
Topic: Exploration and Discovery!
Welcome back to the Spring term…
We hope that you have all had a wonderful Christmas break and that you are well rested and ready for the next twelve weeks of the Spring term in Year 5. We are so excited to get stuck into 2024! We have another jam-packed term ahead of us: from Vikings to space exploration, Thor to Chris Hadfield and full stops to parenthesis! This term Mrs McDonnell and Mrs Higginson will continue to teach all week, except for Monday and Wednesday afternoons when you will be taught by Mrs Deakin. Mrs Deakin will continue to deliver your music and PE lessons. Miss Gibson will continue to support our learning every day.
So what’s in store?
During the first half term we will be focused upon reading and writing myths. We will create our own heroes, monsters and villains and vary the viewpoints from which we retell and create our myths. Our writing this term is really going to focus on cohesion—organising, sequencing and extending our paragraphs using conjunctions, commas, adverbials and clear presentational choices.
After half term we move onto recounts and biographical writing. Within this unit we will be writing a factual biography about Chris Hadfield. We will learn to use bracket, dashes and commas to indicate parenthesis and continue to develop our use of conjunction to extend sentences.
We will continue to develop our comprehension and inferential skills in guided reading and as a whole class share a range of myths and legends. Throughout spellings, punctuation and handwriting remain a priority in all our work.
Spring 1 = Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd Stanton
Spring 2= The Darkest Dark by Chris Hadfield
In reading we will be focusing on diffferent texts and will be using our skills to draw inferences and comparisons from different texts. We will then be moving onto looking further into language choices, themes and conventions across a text and summarasing skills.
Spring 1 = Odd and the Frost Giants by Neil Gaiman
Spring 2 = Exploring Space by the Literacy Company
We will start the term off by revisiting multiplication and division, to learn to use written methods to solve increasingly com-plicated calculations, including multiplying 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers, and using the short method to divide. We will then return to fractions to apply our learning by multiplying fractions and finding fractions of quantities.
After half term, we will move on to finding out about decimals, percentages, perimeter and area and statistics.
For further details regarding the curriculum please see the Spring learning leaflet attached below.
As always, reading is the cornerstone of all learning. We recommend reading a wide range of texts both at home and at school, this includes your child’s school reading book and their own personal reading books. Whilst lots of our children will, by now, be reading independently, it is still vitally important that you listen to your child read. We expect children to be reading daily. Please make sure that you are listening to your child read and recording this in their reading record. Children can record their own reading in their record, but an adult needs to sign this to confirm that they have read. You must bring your reading book and record every day, as we may choose you to read with us or with parent volunteers. Reading records will be collected in and checked on Tuesdays and Fridays, and children can earn points towards a reward for reading at home.
PE will be on a Monday and Friday so please make sure that you have the correct school PE kit in school. Trainers are only necessary for PE lessons/break times if needed. At all other times, black school shoes should be worn please.
Correct uniform should be worn at all times please. This is a school jumper/cardigan, or one in a similar colour, a white polo neck top, grey skirt, shorts or trousers and black shoes (not trainers). For PE, this is a white top, white or black shorts and trainers or pumps. Jogging bottoms or leggings can be brought in for colder weather, but please try to make sure they are black, navy or grey. Please ensure all uniform and water bottles are named, and that water bottles are taken home and cleaned daily.
Learning Log homework and Maths will continue to be given out on a Friday and should be returned on a Wednesday.
We regularly update the school's Twitter feed with what our Year 5 class get up to. Please check out our tweets, follow us, and give us a like!
We look forward to seeing you all soon, any questions please ask.
Mrs McDonnell and Mrs Higginson
Things to remember:
PE kits (black shorts/white t-shirt/trainers or pumps/tracksuit for colder weather)- EVERYDAY AS WE HAVE PE twice a week and sometimes activities pop up
Reading books and records—EVERYDAY
Water bottles—EVERYDAY
Reading records will be checked on Tuesdays and Fridays
Elton Primary School and Nursery Twitter
Files to Download
Year 5: News items
World Book Day, by Mrs Davies
Cheshire Phoenix Games - 2024-25 Season, by Mrs Davies