Year 3 2024 - 2025
Mrs Higginson
Mrs Hodgson
Mrs Harland
To contact the Year 3 team email
Love Learning, Love Life, Always Aiming High
Welcome back to school, and to your second term in Year 3!
We hope you all had a lovely restful break. You should be well settled into life in Year 3 by now, and we have lots of exciting learning planned for you all. We can't wait to get started!
Your class teachers in Year 3 are Mrs Harland and Mrs Higginson. You can find more details below about which adults you can expect to see on which days of the week.
Year 3 Structure
Class Teachers: Mrs Harland (Mondays, Thursdays & Fridays) and Mrs Higginson (Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
Support: Mrs Hodgson will support Year 3 throughout each day and will deliver some afternoon sessions as our HLTA. Mrs West and Mrs Wilson may also come in to class to support our learning on some afternoons.
Some of your PE sessions may be delivered by Mr Wynne from S4YC.
PE will mainly be delivered on Tuesdays and Fridays. You will need to bring a PE kit in with you on the first day back after the holidays. However, it is always a good idea to have your PE kit in all week, just in case we do an extra PE session or a practical maths lesson. Don’t forget to put your name in all of your PE items, including shoes.
In Year 3 you will be given Learning Log and maths homework on a Friday, this needs to be handed back in on a Wednesday. Throughout Year 3, we will be working hard on learning our times tables ready for the times table check in Year 4. To support you in learning your times tables, you will have access to Times Table Rock Stars at home and will also be set weekly times tables to learn.
Spellings will be sent home at the start of the half term, and you will be directed to the list we are working on weekly. We won’t be formally testing spellings every Friday but instead will expect you to use those words in your work each week.
It is important to continue to read at home regularly to improve comprehension skills and fluency. We ask that you read at least three times a week with your adults, and that your reading record is signed by the adult. Your reading record must be handed in twice a week to allow teachers to check any comments and support you with reading at home, this will be on a Monday and a Thursday.
Reading books should be changed at least once a week, and whilst we will remind you to do this, you will be able to do this readily just outside the classroom. You will have access to our class’s extensive range of fiction, poetry, plays, non-fiction books, magazines, and newspapers as well as a fantastic set of levelled books in the key stage two corridor. In class, we will undertake guided reading, quiet reading, shared reading and reading for pleasure, in addition to working through a class book in English.
Pathways to Read:
Guided Reading book in Spring 1: The Iron Man by Ted Hughes
Guided Reading book in Spring 2: This Morning I Met a Whale by Michael Morpurgo
In English, we will be entering the prehistoric world of ‘The Stone Age Boy’ through our class text. This term we will be focusing on fascinating vocabulary, ambitious conjunctions, dramatic openers and using a variety of interesting punctuation. We will be writing in the forms of narrative and stories from historical settings, reading and performing our writing, and learning to use dictionaries. We will then move on to our unit of work on non-fiction texts, where we will be finding out all about whales through our text 'Big Blue Whale'. We will then use the information we have found out to write a persuasive leaflet.
Pathways to Write –
Spring 1: The Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura
Autumn 2: Big Blue Whale by Nicola Davies
In Maths, our focus for the first half term will be Multiplication and Division, learning our times tables and the relationship between multiplication and division facts. By the end of Year 3, children must be fluent in their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 50 and 100 times tables. Please keep practising these at home. We will also learn to do simple formal written division, and to multiply 1- and 2-digit numbers using the grid method.
We will then move on measuring length and perimeter, learning how to measure using different measurements, as well as how to add and subtract lengths and calculate perimeter. We will then begin our first unit of work on fractions.
At the top of the page, you can find links to download useful files, such as the Learning Leaflets and homework support. You can also find useful website links below and videos to support you at home.
Grown-ups, if you have any questions or would like to speak to us, then please catch one of the Year 3 adults at the end of the day or email the class email ( Alternatively, if you have an urgent enquiry, then please contact the school office, who can relay any messages to us.
Mrs Higginson, Mrs Harland and Mrs Hodgson
Useful Links
Files to Download
Year 3: News items
School Discos, by Mrs Davies
World Book Day, by Mrs Davies
Cheshire Phoenix Games - 2024-25 Season, by Mrs Davies