Year 4 2024 - 2025
Miss Preugschat
Mrs Wilson
To contact Miss Preugschat email
Love Learning, Love Life
Always Aiming High
Welcome to Year 4's class page
Miss Preugschat Mrs Wilson Mrs Hodgson
Welcome to your second term in year four,
I hope you have all enjoyed the Christmas break and that you are ready to work hard this term! I am extremely excited to get stuck in to our learning and I’m sure you will enjoy all of the interesting topics we are going to cover just as much as I will! There will be a big focus upon times tables this year to support you with the rest of your maths work and prepare you for the statutory multiplication tables check in June. We will be practising our times tables up to 12x12 every day in class and it would be great if you would continue this at home so that we can become really fluent!
PE will be on a Monday and Friday afternoon. This term, Mr Wynn (our sports coach) will be teaching all of our PE units on these days. You need to have a labelled PE kit in school at all times, which can be taken home to be washed over the weekend or half termly.
Homework, Spellings and Reading
This year, Learning Log homework and Maths will be given out on a Friday and returned on a Wednesday. Occasionally, we may give out a piece of homework that lasts for a longer period of time, such as a mini-project. Reading books need to be changed at least once a week and don’t forget to bring your Reading Journal and book in everyday so that we can keep track of the books you are reading and so you can earn raffle tickets! You need to continue to learn your times tables at home as well as covering them in class because there will be a times table test every Friday. Finally, spellings for the entire term will be glued into Learning Logs during the first week of term and I expect people to be practising these week by week.
Times tables
There will be a huge push on times tables this year in preparation for the statutory multiplication tables check in June 2025. The multiplication tables check is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times tables questions. Your child will answer 3 practice questions before moving on to the official check, and will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete. To support you in learning your times tables, you will have access to Times Table Rockstars at home and will be set a weekly times table to learn.
Water Bottles
It is really important that you bring in your own water bottle every day. You must take it home each evening for it to be washed. Normally we would have extra cups for children in the classroom, but we are no longer allowed to do this as it increases the risk of cross contamination. Please bring your own, named bottle each day. You will be allowed to refill it throughout the day, if you drink all your water.
Miss Preugschat and Mrs Wilson
Things to remember:
PE kits (black shorts/white t-shirt/trainers or pumps/tracksuit for colder weather)- MONDAY AND FRIDAY
Reading books—EVERYDAY
Reading records - TUESDAY AND THURSDAY
Water bottles—EVERYDAY
Website Links:
Maths is Fun
Our school rules:
(R, R, S)
Files to Download
Year 4: News items
School Discos, by Mrs Davies
World Book Day, by Mrs Davies
Cheshire Phoenix Games - 2024-25 Season, by Mrs Davies